Ms. Kristal McKinstry - Los Angeles, CA

 ph. 310 / 202-7852

Current involvement:  Peace/welfare activist committees; Metaphysical path counseling; Internet retailing (stereographic historical photos) with software automation development, and art tool R&D. - Arts, musicianship, herbalism, physics, spiritual archeology, hiking, and bicycling.

Prior involvement: Housing and Transit advisory councils, Computer education, software design, and database administration for large and small non-profit agencies, and the automotive repair, medical, and travel industries; Psychic counseling; Alchemical gift products; Theater production; Concours Citro�n (automotive) restoration; Fortune 500 technology & entertainment  consulting; Antique retail & restoration; Remote land sufficiency.


Administration & Business:  Resource integration,  Process conception and organization, Technical consulting, Correspondence & Negotiation, Research, Transaction automation, Business cost analysis, Inventory control systems, Promotional strategies.

Office Skills and Customer Service: Multi-platform transaction data integration including automation of MS Office applications. Multi-media Librarianship, Invoice management, Document & Application design, Teaching, Knowledge & resource referral, and Complaint resolution.

Design Engineering: All phases from conception to production of electro-mechanical systems in most materials including hydro-pneumatic systems and personal interfaces. I saw VR in keypunch computers, nano-technology in the kaballah, mariners alphabets in constellations, and energy loop systems in water, refrigeration, and astronomy. Visionary work in economics and urban renativization.

Artistic: Works in a large variety of traditional and experimental media from stone sculpting to animation, including perfumery, pyrotechnics, music, choreography,  stagecraft,  and stereographic photography with graphics software development.

Spiritual research & counseling: Internet life path counseling based upon 14 years of intense spiritual immersion in diverse realms and a lifelong academic comparison of eastern, western, and native  metaphysics and occult mysticism with an emphasis on the logos, karmic awareness, archetypal energy, and cooperative reconstruction.

Computer Programming: Windows Application Development, Database Administration, Multimedia production, Query & Report building - using the following computer applications:

art: Photoshop, FrontPage, Flash, AutoCAD w/ AutoLISP, Animator, Fractal Painter, and dozens of other draw / paint / animate / index / pre-press / reformat applications and utilities.
database programming / connectivity: Visual FoxPro (inc. OLE/Active-X automation ), Java, Paradox DOS / PAL, SQL, ODBC, Visual Basic, Access, Report Writer, Monarch, Rumba, DOS Batch programming, lQ400, and Query4OO; also some forgotten dinosaurs like lisp, cobol, and fortran.
office / presentation:
MS-Word (2.0 - 8.0), WordPerfect (4.0 - 6. 1), Excel 5.0, VBA, FrontPage 2000 & JavaScript, PowerPoint, and PageMaker.