Kabbalah correspondence map

This selector will determine which jumps clicking on the cabalah map will take you to. The prefix of '10', '22', or '32' indicate whether the link mode will apply to the 10 sephiroth, the 22 paths, or both:

The 22 paths with the 22 hebrew letters and the 22 major arcana of the tarot, starting with 0 as Aleph, the Fool and ending at 21, Tau, the Universe.

  Beth - The Magician Crown
1 - Keter
Aleph - The Fool  

3 - Binah

Daleth - The Empress Gimel - The High Priestess Daleth - The Empress Wisdom
2 - Chokmah

Cheth - The Chariot

Zain - The Lovers

Gimel - The High Priestess

He - The Emperor

Vav - The Heirophant

5 - Geburah

Teth - Strength

Gimel - The High Priestess

Teth - Strength

4 - Chesed

Mem - Surrender

Lamed - Justice
Ayin - The Devil
6 - Tiphareth
Yod - The Hermit
Nun - Death

Koph - The Great Wheel

8 - Hod
Phe - The Tower Samech - Temperance Phe - The Tower Victory
7 - Netzach
  Tzaddi - The Star Foundation
9 - Yesod

Resh - The Sun


Shin - Judgement

Tau - The Universe

Qoph - The Moon

10 - Malkuth






The ten Sephiroth

These are the 10 centers on the 'tree of life' pictured above. They most commonly represent stages of consciousness on the path to enlightenment.

10 - Malkuth (Kingdom) - Characterized by good character & spiritual birth.

9 - Yesod (Foundation) - A phase of burning emotional karma.

8 - Hod (Splendour) - Channeling to learn mental control of personality; compassion ridding ignorance & evil.

7 - Netzach (Victory) - Balancing the mental & emotional with the intuitional; selflessness & improved relationships; freedom from emotional intensity; sexual understanding.

6 - Tiphareth (Beauty) - The Ego abides in the self by balancing the four elements as feeling, thinking, intuiting, and sensing; crucifixion & hell shucked along with the ego.

5 - Geburah (Severity) - Clear focused mental discipline; the triumph of faith over doubt; achieving  a visible quality of inner authority & leadership; being self-controlled, powerful, & liberated.
Deborah (Devi), white light amidst red, stillness amidst passion.

4 - Chesed (Mercy) - Balanced love and intelligence; The mind has centered in God's will.


3 - Binah (Understanding) -  Absolute obedience to inner authority; evolved & purified ego; understands the duality beneath the abyss.

2 - Chochmah (Wisdom) - Cosmic vision

1 - Keter (Crown) - Complete union with God



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